This is probably the world’s Simplest Idea
It’s called the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek
Every single person, every single organization on the planet knows what they do.
Some know How they do it.
But very few people or organizations know Why they do what they do.
(Your Why – It’s not to make a profit, that’s a result)
If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message might sound like this.
What: We make great computers.
How : They are beautifully designed & Simple to use.
Why : Want to buy one?
The inspired leaders and inspired organizations all think, act & communicate from the inside out.
This is how Apple actually communicates
Why : We believe in challenging the status quo, we believe in Thinking differently.
How : We make our products beautifully designed & Simple to use.
What : We make great computers. Want to buy one?
Totally different right?
People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it
Your purposeYour cause
Your belief
In order to inspire others or inspire yourself, you need to find & start with your WHY.
For us Slarity, our why is to ‘Imagine Innovate’
What’s Yours?
#creative #creativity #art #imagine #innovate #imagineibbovate #clarity #slarity
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